Saturday, March 31, 2012

So Much Ado About Pushing!

As a HypnoBirther, all of this Broo-Ha-Ha about pushing babies out really makes me mad. It makes me mad that the 2nd stage of labor (the birthing phase) is called "the pushing phase" or "time to push." It makes me mad that providers tell HypnoBirthing moms that babies can't be born without pushing. And it really, really makes me mad that providers and nurses YELL at moms to push while she is birthing. That one makes me so mad that it affects me physically, viscerally.

But who am I to tell parents what to do? Who is Marie Mongan? Who is the HypnoBirthing Institute? Especially when your highly educated doctor or midwife (who is supposed to know the research and the biology of birth) is so untrusting.

Well, consider this:
  • Henci Goer suggests that moms think in terms of breathing their babies through the birth path, rather than pushing, in her The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth.
  • Laura Shanley, author of Unassisted Childbirth, wrote an amazing article about this same topic called "Don't Push the River, It Flows By Itself." It includes some amazing advice from professionals such as Ina May Gaskin.
So, what is a mom to do? It sure is tough. Not birthing, I mean. It is tough to do what your body wants to do, to follow your instincts, when everyone around you is advising (or yelling at or guilt-tripping) you otherwise.

Babies are born beautifully and calmly if mom just lets her body do all the work. Trust the process. Follow this advice: "Purina's Handbook of Cat Care advises owners to pet the laboring cat reassuringly and leave her on her own. She may stay in the box; on the other hand, don't be surprised if she doesn't. The best thing to do at this point is to do nothing. Keep quiet and do not attempt to help her - it's her problem. Mother nature usually takes over at this point and it is amazing to see how she goes about doing what comes naturally."

Breathe your baby down. I know you can do it. And I know you will LOVE IT!

And, after you do, please...TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT!

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